Description: As Above Name of Work for for Supply Transportation to destination Installation Commissioning of Domestic Multi Jet 15 mm water Meters 9856 Nos conforming to IS 779 B Class or ISO 4064 with and Polypropylene PP Water meter Boxes GI Pipe and GI Special value dir Box work Filter sand Related Infrastructure Work and related services complete in all respects at 40 Villages Block Dera Baba Nanak Fatehgarh Churrian Distt Gurdaspur Large Surface Water Supply Project Distt Gurdaspur of Punjab complete in all respects in villages
Details: PUMP CHAMBER Part-ASupply, Transportation to destination, Installation, Commissioning of Domestic Multi Jet 15 mm water Meters (9856 Nos.) conforming to IS: 779 (B-Class) or ISO 4064 with and Polypropylene (PP) Water meter Boxes, GI Pipe, GI Specials Value, Dirt Box with Filter and Related Infrastructure Work and related services complete in all respects at 40Villages of Block Dera Baba Nanak & Fatehgarh Churrian Gurdaspur District Gurdaspur Large Surface Water Supply Project, Distt. Gurdaspur of Punjab complete in all respects in villages. Part-BThe bidder shall set up one Calibration, water meter testing bench Service Center as per IS 6784 latest edition and other relevant codes for calibration of meters and its testing including repair/ replacement of water meters and storing spare meters for replacement wherever required. The location of service center shall be centrally located in the cluster of 40 villages. This infrastructure shall be provided, operated, and maintained by t
Sector: General Admin