Details: 1. Floral Printed Organza Glazecotton/Rayon/Linen (For ladiesdress)- 80 meterRavon/Linen/TweedDenim(Plain/Single/Sohd Colour) forSkirt- 50 meterQuantity Remarks if anyrequiredSI No. Item/MaterialName3. Plain colour GlazeFabric 250 meler use for garment making coton/cotton satn/ cotton torGrls Top- 40 meter4. Casement coton/Linen cottonblend'cotton gabardine torLadies Trouser - 40 mter5.cotton or cotton synthetieblend in Plain/check/Suipepattemfor Mens shirt - 40 meterspencil colours, Rich and brilliantcolours, smooth effectgOod qual1ty water colours incake packing (12 colours in apack) 25 pieces -08 No. size, 25 pices-06 No. size for drawing andpanting ork20 bobbin and 20 bobbin case forStaedtler colour S pkt 48 shadespencil3Water colour S0 pht 12 shadeBrush round 50 picce 8no,06 no5.Sungle needle industrnal locksticthsewing machine0.5 m tip sizeBobin & bobin case 20 each SNIS machine6. Clutch pencil S0 piece Mechanieal pencilgeneral purpose adhesive for usein art/handicraft/office etc
Sector: Skill Development