Details: construction of embankment with goodquality earth obtained from borrowpits :-construction of embankment good quality earthobtained from borrow pits includingcompensation of earth, loading, unloading,carriage to site of work, spreading, grading torequired and compacting to meetrequirement of table 300-2 as per technical clause305 of mort&h specifications with earth broughtfrom out side irrespective of lead & lift. 6518.00 347.66 2266048.002 earth filling in central verges of roads, with earthbrought from the outside of campus irrespectiveof lead & lift including ramming watering, laying,dressing and compaction without road roller etc.complete in all respect. 193.59 225.40 43635.003 construction of granular sub-baseby providingcoarse graded material grading-i, spreading inuniform layers with motor grader on preparedsurface, mixing by mix in place method withrotavator at omc, and compacting with vibratoryroller to achieve the desired density, complete asper technical clause 401 of mor
Sector: Urban Authority