Description: Bricklining and laying pipeline in water course of outlet RD 6980R of Johal Minor Bricklining and laying pipeline in water course of outlet RD 6980R of Johal Minor
Details: - Earthwork Undressed involving an avg. horizontal throw upto 2 mtr. and an avg. Vertical Lift upto 0.5 mtr. including Breaking of Clods Earthwork Undressed with combined Lead upto 15 mtr. including Breaking of clods. Dressing of Earthwork (New work or remodelling work) Excavation of Soil using Hyraulic Excavator and hydraulic Tractor Trolly I/C cutting and loading in Trolly and transporting to the embankment locations with all lifts and leads excluding royalty. Earth Filling with ordinary soil in 15 cm layers including, ramming, watering and consolidating lead upto 30m Dag-belling with Single Kassi minimum 7.5 cm depth. Dressing of Bed and Preparation of Sub-grade for Lining First Class Burnt Brick laid in 1:6 Cement Sand Mortar for Bed & Side walls 10 mm thick Cement Plaster 1:4 on Side Walls 10 mm thick Cement Plaster 1:4 on Floors Supplying of RCC Shutter Supplying & Laying Dry Brick Bats Excavation by mechanical means(JCB or Hydraulic excavator) i
Sector: Water Resource Department