Details: excavationmanuallyintrenchesforpipelines withstraight or opencutting instreetsand lanes inbuiltupareawherewidthof street / lane fromwall towall is less than3meter including trimming and dressing sides levellingofbedsof trenchestocorrectgrade, cutting joint holes, refilling consolidation,watering, including thecost of dewateringof rainwater,diversionfor traffic, night signals. providing & fixing caution boards,watching, fencing, etc. and removal of surplus soil from thesiteupto15meter distance complete in all respects a)earth work upto 1.5 m. depth b) all classes of soil except rocky excavation by mechanical means(jcb or hydraulicexcavator) intrenchesforpipelines with straight or open cutting in streets or openarea including trimming anddressing sides levellingof bedsof trenches tocorrect grade, cutting joint holes, refilling consolidation,watering, including thecost of dewateringof rainwater,diversionfor traffic, night signals. providing & fixing caution boards, crossingover trenches f
Sector: Water Resource Department