Details: . .tenders for stationery stationery are invited till 3.00 pm till 2024. tender form till 5.00 pm on 27.06.2023 for rs. 1000/- (literally one thousand rupees only) tender form can be obtained by depositing the challan online in the government account head (0070-60-800-0000 other receipts) and presenting a copy of the challan to the district nazarat of the collector office. the tenderer will have to deposit the earnest money of rs. 50,000/- (literally fifty thousand only) in a flagged fd of a nationalized bank in the name of collector, district jhabua. the remaining terms and conditions of the tender will remain as per the tender notice. the above conditions can be obtained by the tenderer from district nazarat during office hours except government holidays.
Sector: District Administration