Details: action details tender for the operation of public service center sehore was issued by the official letter no. 1156 / losep / 2020 sehore dated 29.12.2020 for which a total of 238 tenders were received till the last date 21/01/2021. today on 03.02 2021 under the chairmanship of the chief executive officer, district panchayat, in front of the members of the core committee and the people present, the technical and financial tender under the tender process for the selection of new tenderers for the operation of the public service center sehore operated under public service management district sehore. the opening proceedings were started at 11.00 am. the status of which is as follows: ☆ technical tender valid financial tender financial tender grand prize name technical tender if invalid totals due to reason or invalid cause 1 invalid praveen arvind khatri jabalpur hemant kumar vashishta sehore 2 invalid network certificate periodical year. networth certificate of 2019-20 is not for fisc
Sector: Zilla Parishad