BP9047586913_1,BP9047586913_1,BP9047586913_1,BP904 - 117468810
The Department of Heavy Industry has published a tender for "BP9047586913_1,BP9047586913_1,BP9047586913_1,BP9047586913_1,BP9047586913_1,BP9047586913_1,BP9047586921_2,BP9047586921_2,BP9047586921_2,BP9047586921_2,BP9047586921_2,BP9047586921_2,BP9047585399_3,BP9047585399_3,BP9047585399_3,BP9047585399_3,BP9047585399_3,BP9047585399_3,BP9047586948_4,BP9047586948_4,BP9047586948_4,BP9047586948_4,BP9047586948_4,BP9047586948_4,BP9047586956_5,BP9047586956_5,BP9047586956_5,BP9047586956_5,BP9047586956_5,BP9047586956_5,BP9047586964_6,BP9047586964_6,BP9047586964_6,BP9047586964_6,BP9047586964_6,BP9047586964_6" on the 16 Mar 2025. This tender belongs to Electronic Components category. This tender is published in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Electronic Components tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Tender Details
Description: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) -BP9047586913_1:MEMORY CARD 4 MB SUITABLE FOR PLC PROGRAM UPDATE; BP9047586921_2:COMMUNICATION MODULE CM 1241 RS422_485 TO SIEMENS PART NO 6ES7 241-1CH32-OXB0; BP9047585399_3:CPU 1215C DC_DC_RLY TO SIEMENS PART NO 6ES7 215-1HG40-OXB0; BP9047586948_4:DI MODULE SM 1221 DI16 X 24VDC TO SIEMENS PART NO. 6ES7 221-1BH32-OXB0; BP9047586956_5:DIO MODULE SM 1223 DI16_DQ16 X 24VDC AS PER SIEMENSPART NO 6ES7 223-1BL32-OXB0; BP9047586964_6:HMI TP700 COMFORT TO SIEMENS PART NO 6AV2 124-0GC01-OAX0;
Details: BP9047586913_1 , BP9047586921_2 , BP9047585399_3 , Item Category/ BP9047586948_4 , BP9047586956_5 , BP9047586964_6 MEMORY CARD 4 MB SUITABLE FOR PLC PROGRAM UPDATE, COMMUNICATION MODULE CM 1241 (RS422/485) TO SIEMENS PART NO. 6ES7 241-1CH32-OXB0, CPU 1215C DC/DC/RLY TO SIEMENS PART NO. 6ES7 215-1HG40-OXB0,
Sector: Industries and Factories