Details: supply and application of printed vinyl stickers for insideand outside lavatories areas for kumbh mela specialcoaches. cast vinyl graphic should be as per rdsospecification no. rdso/2006/cg-13 of 3m/averydennison/lg hausys / or similar make and design asapproved by railway administration. note: sample to beseen at consignee and approved before bulk supply.information boards or illustration boardphoto stickers or stickers supply and application of printed vinyl stickersfor inside and outside lavatories areas for kumbhmela special coaches. cast vinyl graphic shouldbe as per rdso specification no. rdso/2006/cg13 of 3m/avery dennison/lg hausys / or similarmake and design as approved by railwayadministration. note: sample to be seen atconsignee and approved before bulk supply.15400 sqfeetsenior sectionengineer (c&w)indoreoffice of seniorsection engineer(c&w) indore2 transparent fiber sheet(acrylic sheet)8feetx4feetx6 mm thick to is 7569-876 nos senior sectionengineer (c&w)indoreoffice of se
Sector: Railways