Details: detail of proforma field proforma no. 6 (agreement of phad munsi with the society - 2 pages) field proforma no. 1-(a) 9 (weekly collection book) field proforma no. 16 (details of bags to be sent with transit permit) field proforma no. 35 (tendu patta collection and wages card register) field proforma no. 24 (b) (goods receiving receipt by godown incharge) field proforma no. 10 (a) (minor forest produce collection and wages book) field proforma no. 13 (progress report by phad munshi) field proforma no. 15 (transit permit - 1) (sahayak) field proforma no. 17 (transit permit - 2) complaint book receipt book (for purchaser & his representative) note book for daily collection & inspection note
Sector: Forest and Environment