Details: material namespecifications/tenderno. of material per center1steed pushn scoot riderl 22.5 "w9.5" "418" safety4backrestgerip handle anti slip seat2rocking horse sitl28 "w14.5" "h17.5" side guard sefety backrest seafetry belt433 in 1 basket balll22.8 "w18.8" h"47.49" adjustable height, weigh with water, ring fame44plastic chairl13 "w11.8" h"18.1" for kinds only405front round tablel54 "w30" h"20" front round table46giraffe ride- nl28.7 "w10" h"20.5" giraff ride on47play ballsd6.6 cm, play (set of 50 pcs)48connectric blockconnectric block49alphabet block setalphabet block610number block setnumber block set611pipe block setpipe block set412set tower block13tower block setmechanical block set
Sector: District Administration