Details: itemquantity61personal floatation device (life jacket made of polyurethane foam)23torch or emergency light (solar enabled)safety gloves (canvas/leather)1212 pairs430 mtrs 10/11 mm bob nylon rope65lifebuoys126oars & rowlocks78paddlesanchors3 pairs184 9galvanized metal bucker or bailer410outboard motor minimum 30 hp211dcp fire extinguisher412emergency spot light with minimum 12 hours run time313tool kit (colt, cutter, wire cutter, pliers driver set314axe/hatchet 3 kg315fiberglass backboard stretcher616radio walkie sets 5 watt617blankets1218park pickets1219first aid kit620twin pronged graphel/cat hooks621throw bag622gum boots12 pairs23safety goggles624safety helmet (water rafting)625gps sets426navigation lights427maps, charts and compassas required28chain saw machine429camping tent (water resistant+mosquito net)4+430inflatable rescue boat with 40 hp obm1
Sector: District Administration