Details: construction of nsb at p.s chhoti mahatama tola ward no-8, blockbhargama udise-10072001110 in the district of araria. civil work1 0l01un skilled labour for sitecleaning all complete jobas per direction of e/i. 4.00 each 306.00rupees threehundred sixonly₹1,224.002 2.8.1earth work in excavationin foundation trenches ordrains(not exceeding 1.5m in width or 10 sqm onplan) including dressing ofsides and ramming ofbottoms, lift upto 1.5 m .including getting out theexcavated soil anddisposal of surplusexcavated soil asdirected, within a lead of50 m.124.49 360.70rupees threehundred sixtyand seventypaisa only₹44,903.803 2.28supplying and filling inplinth with local sand andunder floors including,watering, rammingconsolidating anddressing complete115.85 281.40rupees twohundredeighty oneand fortypaisa only₹32,599.084 11.72providing designation 100a one brick flat solingjoints filled with local sandincluding cost of watering,taxes, royalty all completeas per buildingspecification and d
Sector: Education Misc