Details: pursuance of the instructions given by the excise commissioner, uttar pradesh, in its letter number 14065/140/10-license 367/suggestions excise policy/2024-25 dated 02-02-2024, the general public is informed that in the district-sonbhadra for the year after the first phase of e-lottery for 2024-25, the remaining 04 local taverns, 06 foreign liquor and 03 cannabis retail shops are to be arranged through e-lottery process in the second phase. application forms for disorganized shops in tadakam are invited online from 06-02-2024 (12:00 noon) to 09-02-2024 (5:00 pm) at the details of the shops disorganized for the e-lottery process are as follows: - country liquor 1- catti vip road obra 2- sikathwa tola bari (wadi nir petrol pump) 3- vegetable market renkar
Sector: District Administration