Details: scope of workc.r.e. particular01 continuous stirred tank reactor02 flug flow tabular reactor03 isothermal semi batch reactor04 rtd studies in contininous strirred tank reactor05 isothermal semi batch reactor06 plug flow reactor tabular07 packed bed reactor08 air compressorf m particular01 flow through orifice and venturimeter app with wallaccessories02 flow through fluidized bed app with wall accessories03 flow through fixed bed app with wall accessories04 centrifugal pump with all accessories05 pdu friction with all accessories06 losses in pipe bends app m .o particular01 test sieves with rotary shaker with complete accessories02 cyclone separator app03 ball mill04 plate and frame filter pressp.d.c particular01 tempreture measurement unit02 tempreture controler trainer03 packed bed reactor04 chartacteristic pid controller with baten reactor05 condinsation polymerisation reactor06 pressure control trainer07 two tank tank interactive system08 two tank tan
Sector: Science University