Description: Work No 02 Kalandi kunj aavsye yojana ke madhav khand ke park sankhya 01 action of saundryakren Name of Work dkfyanh daqqt vkoklh kstuk ds ek ko ds ikdZ la k 01 dk lkSUn hZdj k dk dk ZA
Details: Dismantling sundries brick work including stacking of dismantled materials as directed by the E/I. Within distance of 60 metre (200 feet). Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (Loam, clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50 M. and lead upto 30M. and including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the Engineer-in charge up to a distance of 30M. from the foundation trenches. [SI.No.–251(a)] SOR-2022 Concrete with 4 cm. gauge brick ballast, fine sand of 1.25 F.M. and cement, in proportion of 8:4:1 in foundations and under floors, including supply of all materials, labour, Tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. [SI.No.–275] SOR-2022 R.C.C work with cement, approved coarse sand & 2 cm. (3/4") gauge approved stone ballast in the proportions of 1:1½:3 in R.C.C. Columns excluding supply
Sector: Urban Authority