Description: Construction of RCC Culvert Name of Work Construction of R C C culvert in Jamunipur brihattar Awasiyan Yojana
Details: CIVIL WORK Removal of unserviceable soil including excavation loding and disposal up to outside municipal limit lead complete in all respect. Earth work excavation in foundation in Kankar mix soil lift up to 1.5 m and lead up to 30 m including in all resepect. Lean concrete in Foundation in1:4:8 in cement C sand and 22.40 mm to 40 mm guage stone ballast including supply of all material labour and T&P etc. including in all respect. Laying of C.C. slab/wall consisting of M-25 cement course sand and approved 20 mm guage dala stone grite over prepared sub grade after its rectifications and provding sertauvibrater bringing if to the proper camber and including supply of all material labour T&P required for Proper completion of work finished to required templete as per direction of E/I. (concrete costing After Mix design) supply of mild steel for Reinforment including in all respect as per direction of E/I. Supply and laying of Local sand filling in embankment of culver
Sector: Industry Development