Description: Construction of Park Near Forest Office of Moradabad Farrukhabad Marg NH43 at Km 44 Line 2 Work Name Construction of Park Near Forest Office of Moradabad Farrukhabad Marg NH43 at Km 44 Line 2
Details: Cleaning Jungle including up rooting of rank vegetation grass, bush, wood, trees and sapling grith up to 30 cms measured at the height of 1 m above ground level and removal of up to a distance of 50 M. Out side the periphery of area cleared. SI No. 259 Construction of embankment with approved material obtain from below pits with all lifts and leads tranchporting 3.00 Km upto sites, spreading, grading to required and compected to meet requirement of table 300.2 Development of site with park land scaping, Vertical Plantation including 2 m wide footpath around the boundary wall, bottle pam green haze flower plant, gulmohor, lighting and all material labour, labour cess, all taxes. T&P etc complete as per direction engineer in charge. Proving and fixing of Rcc banch including all material labour, labour cess, all taxes, T&P etc complete as per direction engineer in charge. Dismentling of interlocking tiles and stacking of dismantalled bricks at site (labour only) SI No Chp 18 item 3
Sector: Planning