Description: Request For Proposal RFP for Empanelment and Selection of Agencies for supply of Packaging Material for supplementary nutrition in identified blocks of Uttar Pradesh Name of Work Invitation of e tender for Empanelment and Selection of Agencies for supply of Packaging Material for supplementary nutrition in identified blocks of Uttar Pradesh
Details: Packaging Material (Printed 2-layer Laminate) Note- a) While placing the Supply- -Purchase Order, UPSRLM shall combine the corresponding Orders from the Microenterprises/SHGs under a Zone (Mandal) i.e. 25-30 THR Units under a Zone (Mandal), to get the benefits of economies o scale. b) A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected. c) The price quoted shall be inclusive of: ▪ Designing, manufacturing & printing cost, packaging & transportation cost, insurance, and other local costs incidental to delivery of printed Packaging Materials from the Agency’s Premises to the final destinations as indicated by the Respective Micro-enterprises in the Supply Delivery Order;▪ all duties, taxes, fee etc. that may be levied in accordance with the laws and regulations in force and ▪ The offered price should be firm, clear and free from any escalations during the Contract Period;
Sector: RDPR