Details: dismanting existing plasterinculding disposal of refusematerial as directed byengineer in charge with in adistance of 60 meterspwd 706 10838.3 sqm 27 292635.182dismanting doors & windowsincluding stacking ofdismantled materials asdirected by the engineer incharge with in a distance of 60meterspwd 704 765.14 sqm 25 19128.53dismanting cement concretefloor or other floor includingstacking of dismantledmaterials as directed by theengineer in charge with in adistance of 60 meterspwd 697 7813.85 sqm 39 304740.154providing and fixing of 35 mm.thick flush door shutter withfittings.analysis 999.7 sqm 1800 17994605one priming coat & two coatoil distemper on new workincluding supply of allmaterials labour and t & p etcrequired for propercompletion of the work. asabove but for every coat afterthe first coat.pwd-649+650 7060.58 sqm 64.15 452936.21 516finishing walls with premiumacrylic smooth exterior paintwith silicone additives ofrequired shade: new work (two or more coats applied @1.43 ltr/10 sq
Sector: Science University