The Uttar Pradesh Homoeopathy Directorate has published a tender for "BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ,BOQ" on the 05 Mar 2022. This tender belongs to Educational Books category. This tender is published in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Educational Books tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Educational Books tender analytics
A total of 2 tenders were published for "educational books" in the Uttar Pradesh State during February 2022 - March 2022.
The top spend areas in the Lucknow district during the October 2021 - January 2022 quarter are: Road Relaying, Road Repair, Road Construction.
To get access to Homeopathy tender
Tender Details
Details: paper clippriniciples of anatomy and physiologygrants atlas of anatomygrays anatomy for studentshuman anatomy vol 1medical physiologyparasitologypathologyhuman anatomy vol 2human anatomy vol 3 and 4textbook of pathologytext book of homoeopathic pharmacyhomoeopathic pharmacy for studentshomeopathic psychologymedical jurisprudence forensic medicine and toxicologypreventive and social medicineshort practice of surgerymanual of surgerytextbook of surgeryprinciples and practice of medicinedermatology and sexually transmitted diseasesmateria medicatextbook of psychology for studentgenetic materia medicapred hom part 2 theory of acutesprecictive homoeopathic part1pedictive 3 myasmfrequent encountersverbatimtreasures of prafull vijayakarsynthesis 9 point 1 indian editionessentials of repertorizationmore magic of the minimum doseleaders in homoeopathic therapeuticshom therapeutics hindimateria medica of hom medicenemateria medica of nosodes and repertoryabsolute homeo materia medicabody langu
Sector: Homeopathy