Details: g146 www. 4202104.x tend x " name of works estimated no. cost (in rs. lakh) 4 1 5.97 2 7.35 78 3 2 gautam 15 finance commission. under the fund, construction of a drain for drainage by 120 meters in length from the road in front of athar singh's kothi situated on old kathhaira road under the fund for construction of drainage.gautam samar in ward no.12 under the 15th finance commission fund. reconstruction work by rcc box colvert by breaking old, old and damaged culvert at rajwaha crossing located on the main road leading to the city and pink city. war in mohalla aryanagar in ward no.12 under gautam 15th finance commission fund. reconstruction work by rcc box coloration by breaking old, old and damaged culvert at rajwaha crossing located on colony main road. damaged drain in front of sooraj farm located on buddha side of gt road under gautam 15th finance commission fund construction work by rcc of 3 cities
Sector: RDPR