Details: project name estimated cost 2% household amount fund and 18% 5 98119.00% 59 nandgaon 100 e91des 90684.00 542 3. 4 new road construction of village agaryala to shergarh akbarpur road and new road 4905940.00 under village pandharya finance commission (untied grant) and new road construction work from village lalpur haryana border and first part of umbrella village bhadawal to gohari and new road construction work 4350074.001 3057275.00 and new road construction work of gohari from near factory at nh-2 at umbrella village gohari 2738975.00 construction of akbarpur road and nayin road 4898464.00 nandagaon yam agarwala 4898464.00 second part 87002.00 3192 3658 61146001 54780.00 97970.00 3304 57820 100'lish 10090606 first part 5782.00 100'586058 9702000 3682201.00 second part) 00 sez jou non-grounded part 4842912: 00 joo.ree dham state expedition plan top 3ueline prsn87 docx
Sector: District Administration