Details: details are dismentling of old interlocking tiles road disposal of malba 3km from site e/w in filling in ordinary soil by carted earth 5km from site. cement concrete with 40 mm gauge brick ballast, f.s. and cement in proportion 12:6:1, s.i. no. 273 m-150 brick work in 1:4 one cement & four fine sand of 1:25 f.m. mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour, t & p etc required for proper completion of the work s.i. no 305 12 mm thick plaster 1:4 with cemnent and fine sand including supply all material and labour, t & etc. s.i. no. 584 c.c. 1:2:4 in cement coarse sand and grit 2cm gauge in cc road s.i. 279 (a) providing laying spreading and compaction stone aggregates of 45-63mm size to water bond macadam specification including spreading in uniform thiknes hand packing rooling with 3 wheeled 8-10 tonne roller in stages to proper grade and camber approved complete. (as per analysis) providing laying spreading and compaction stone aggregates of 22.4-53mm size
Sector: RDPR