Details: dismantling of brick work with lime/cement mortar and its proper disposal including cost of labour, t&p for proper completion of work as directed by engineer-in-charge and as per i.d. specifications. dismantling of reinforcement cement concrete work and its proper disposal including cost of labour, t&p for proper completion of work as directed by engineer-in-charge and as per i.d. specifications. earth work excavation by hydraulic excavator 0.9 bucket capacity including 1.5m lift and t&p etc. earth work in filling by mechanical excavator 0.90cum & power transport for a lead of upto 1 km including excavation loading unloading stacking manual compaction and dressing including all lift shall be applicable for lead upto 1 km for proper completion of work as per direction of engineer in charge . plain cement concrete in m7.50 c.c. 1:4:8 with cement ,coarse sand & brick ballast received from dismantled vrb/drb including cost of all materials, labour and t&p with proper completion of wor
Sector: Irrigation