Details: supply of 75x10 ms flat for strengthening/ modification of neutral earthing (hv/lv of different 220/132/33 kv & 132/33 transformer at different sub-station under etd gonda strengthening/ modification of neutral earthing (hv/lv of different 220/132/33 kv and 132/33 transformer at different sub-station under etd gonda. work includes connection of earth emanating from neutral point of transformer with two ms flat (75x10 mm) and this will be connected at two different arm of the delta earthing and this delta earthing shall also be connected at two electrode system at ‘x’ & ‘y’ axis of main eartmat of the substations. the work also includes breakding of rcc/cement concrete flooring wherever required and proper re-concreting after completion of work all men consumables and t&p shall be provided by the firm at his own cost ( 01 job for each neutral earhting)ms flat shall be provided by the department at respective sub-stations.i- 40 mva t/f-i, & ii at 132 kv s/s itiyathok ii- 40
Sector: Transmission