Details: construction of embankment with material obtained from r.o.w. construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required and compacting to meet requirement of tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per technical specification clause 301.5 (including cost of all matarial t&p, taxes, labour cess etc but excluding gst ) providing, laying, spreading and compacting of existing granular material adding lime with 2% using truck mounted / self propelled cement spreader shall have variable working width with microprocessor, controlled spray rate through augers and cellular wheels. the aggregate shall be in situ pulverized/stabilize using four wheeled drive recycler having working depth up to 50 cm with variable depth control system. compacting with vibratory roller pneumatic roller and vibratory pad foot pad roller (20 tonne) to achieve design uncofined compresive. (including cost of all matarial t&p, taxes, labo
Sector: PWD