Details: construction of 02 no. sand pits 3x2x0.7 meter near transformers at 220 kv sub station balrampur. excavation the foundation in ordinary soil. cement concrete with 40 mm grade bricke ballast,coarse sand and cement in ratio of 12:6:1. ist class brick work in ratio 1:6 cement and coarse sand mortar including top cover. 12 mm thick plaster with 1:6 cement and coarse sand. supply and filling of good quality local sand for making up the sand pits and substation area. construction of 04 hut at 220 kv sub station balrampur. construction of fire hut by grouting of 04 nos. g.i. angle of size 65x65x5 mm, 2300 mm long with 1:2:4 cc mixture and fabrication of open hut type structure size 3000x2000 mm with 65x65x5 mm and 50x50x5 mm g.i angle on above grouted g.i angle by way of welding as per supervision of site incharge. (g.i. angle will be provided by upptcl free of cost). supply and fixing of ac roofing shee
Sector: Transmission