RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV101943396 - 117028858

The Department of Heavy Industry has published a tender for "RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433968,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433969,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV1019433978,RV10194339" on the 08 Mar 2025. This tender belongs to Tents and Temporary Structures category. This tender is published in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Tents and Temporary Structures tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.

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 Tender Details

Description: Tent Extendable Frame Supported 4M and 2M Complete with Accessories (V2) -RV1019433968:ELONGATION (HW-602.16) -- FULLY M/CD AS PER DRG.31201056160 REV.00 WITH MATL. AS PER CBOM 31201056160 REV.00; RV1019433969:ELONGATION (L 205) (HW-602.17) -- FULLY M/CD AS PER DRG.31201056170 REV.00 WITH MATL. AS PER CBOM 31201056170 REV.00; RV1019433978:PLATEFORM (HW-607.03) -- FULLY M/CD AS PER DRG.21204258300 REV.01 WITH MATL. AS PER CBOM 21204258300 REV.00; RV1019433979:SUPPORT (HW-607.07) -- FULLY M/CD AS PER DRG.31204258700 REV.00 WITH MATL. AS PER CBOM 31204258700 REV.00; RV1019433980:PROFILE (HW-607.08) -- FULLY M/CD AS PER DRG.31204258800 REV.00 WITH MATL. AS PER CBOM 31204258800 VAR.00 REV.00; RV1019433981:PROFILE (HW-607.09) -- FULLY M/CD AS PER DRG.31204258090 REV.00 WITH MATL. AS PER CBOM 31204258090 REV.00; RV1019433982:SQUARE PIPE (HW-607.27) -- FULLY M/CD AS PER DRG.41204258270 REV.00 WITH MATL. AS PER CBOM 41204258270 REV.01; RV1019433983:GRATE (HW-607.46) -- FULLY M/CD AS PER DRG.31204258046 REV.00 WITH MATL. AS PER CBOM 31204258046 REV.00; RV1019433984:GR

Details: RV1019433968 , RV1019433969 , RV1019433978 , RV1019433979 , RV1019433980 , RV1019433981 , RV1019433982 , RV1019433983 , RV1019433984 , RV1019433985 , RV1019433986 , RV1019433987 , Item Category/ RV1019433988 , RV1019433989 , RV1019433990 , RV1019434002 , RV1019434003 , RV1019434015 , RV1019434017 , RV1019434018 , RV1019434019 , RV1019434020 , RV1019434021 , RV1019434022 , RV1019434023 , RV1019434508 , RV1019434571

Sector: Industries and Factories

Published Date08 Mar 2025
Tender Estimate Value0.0
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Earnest Money Deposit(EMD)INR XXXX
Processing Fee 0
Document Sale Start Date XX-XX-XXXX
Document Sale End DateXX-XX-XXXX
Tender Opening DateXX-XX-XXXX
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