Details: description of item providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded stone ballast 40 mm. nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour and t&p etc. required for proper completion of the work and curing complete, also including cost of formwork in foundation. construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface,mixing by mix in place method with front end loder at omc, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause mort &h specification providing and laying design mix cement concrete of m-30 grade, in roads/ taxi tracks/ runways, using cement content as per design mix, using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 40 mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria, providing dowel bars with sleeve/ tie bars wherever required, laying at site, spreading and compacting mechan
Sector: Urban Authority