Details: labour charges for site clearance i/e all comp. e/work in excavation in fondation in mixedsoil i/e disposal of surplus earth construction of granular sub base by providing weel graded resdy mixed sukrut materials apriading in uniform layers with moter grader on prepared surface with at omc and compacting in two layer with smooth wheel roller to achiev the disired density comp as per technical specification clause 401. providing of p.c.c. 1:4:8 with cement, sand & 40mm stone ballast. excavation in foundation in ordinary soil & cutting and filling surface dressing (loam clay sand) including filling left upt to 1.50m and lead upto 30m with 5km cartage including all complete. 251 supply & laying of 125 micron polhthine sheet i/c all comp of work. laying of c.c road slab consisting of 1:1.5:3 cement, coarse sand& approved 20mm gauge stone ballast i/c all comp of work. sl. no.773b supply & fixing of 350mm dia np3 hume pipe i/c all comp of work. providing of r.c.c. 1:1.5:3 cement, sand & 20
Sector: RDPR