Details: emergency breakdown/preventive maintenance of 11 kv vacuum circuit breakers emergency breakdown restoration of 11kv busbar system with breaker after flashover, work carried out round the clock. preventive maintenance of 11 kv busbar system (once in a year.) dismantling of damaged 11 kv line, thereafter jointing it and laying, drawing and sagging of acsr dog conductor 3 phase and earth wire 10 swg 02 nos. dismantling of 11 kv, 3 core cable and relaying it after detecting the fault. straight through cable jointing of 11 kv, 3 core cable by cable jointing kit. the work includes cable preparation for jointing and straight through jointing with jointing kit, meggering, jumpering and thereafter charging the line end termination of 11 kv, 3 core cable by cable jointing kit. the work includes dismantling of damaged ht cable box, cable preparation for jointing and end termination with the jointing kit, lugging, meggering, jumpering and thereafter charging the line. replacement of disc/ pin insu
Sector: Generation