Details: fo|qr uxjh; forj.k [k.m&cqyun'kgj ds vurzxr fofhkuu midsunzks ls fuxzr 33 dsoh qhmjksa ij lfkkfir jksm+ økwflax@jksm+ ds uhps py jgh vumj xzkmum 33 dsoh dsfcy esa gksus okys qkyv dks dsfcy qkyv fmvsdvªj }kjk qkyv yksdsv dj mls bhd djk dj fo|qr vkiwfrz lkqpk: djkus laca/kh dk;za location and pin pointing of 33 kv cable fault exposing the same in the underground 33 kv cable including digging of trench upto the depth of the cable, cutting the faulty cable and sealing of the fault cable, high pressure testing of cable (cable fault locator equipment mounted on a vehicle will be provided by the agency 33 kv cable fault location by fault locator machine & trench digging with the help road cutter /digging machine/tractor/jcb etc. (size of trench 3 m length & 1.5 m width) providing jointer per 33 kv joint for filling of 33 kv straight through jointing kit. replacment of 33 kv damaged cable (size 50 meter per job) (cable shall be provided by the department). laying of cable in tranch after makin
Sector: Distribution