Details: dismantling of cement concrete or brick or granolithic floors.including base concrete and stacking of dismantlled materials as directed by e/i.within a distance of 60.00m.( excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) including, lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 30m and including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the engineer-in-charge upto a distance of 30.0m from the foundation trencches. excluding royalty.( s.i. no.251) cartage of surplus malwa upto 5km. supplying of earth for cutting or in embankment in ordinary soil earth work in filling or embankment to be in 20 cm layers, including ,watering ,dressing ,compacting ,ramming the soil to achive 95% proctor density ,and dressing the surface to be required levels and and also including 1.50m lift and 30 m lead . the earth fr