Details: item no : 3.5(i) item description : excavation in cutting in soil by manual means with lead upto 50 m excavation for roadway in soil using manual means for carrying of cut earth to embankment site with a lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m as per technical specification clause 302.3 (including all t&p, labour, material, royalty tax but excluding gst) construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required and compacted to meet requirement of table 300.2 with lead upto 1000 m as per technical specification clause 303.1. (including all t&p, labour, material, royalty tax but excluding gst) item no : 11.4 i (i) item description : providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and technical specifications clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 i.p.c.c grade m 10 (i)nominal mix 1:3:6 (including all t&p, labour, material, royalty tax
Sector: PWD