Details: 1. envelope 11 x 5 inches2. envelope khaki 9 x 4 inch3. envelope 10 x 12 inchesenvelope 13 x 20 inches cloth/mesh inside the envelope1. flower broom2. sweep the sinka-4 rim, j.k. brand 75 (gsm)p.l farmchawl pen red and bluetrimax red, blue, green8.9.dumper10.nakar pan thick11.makar chain fine12.pan stand (simple)13.file pad cloth strip14. slip paid lots (22x14 cm, 10x10 cm) 60 pages15. register linedar (lots 192 pages)16. register linedar (lots 288 pages)17. register linedar (lots 384 pages)18. register linedar (lots 576 pages)19. dispatch register (komal 256 pages)20. receipt register (komal 256 pages)21. postal stamp register (komal 160 pages)22. attendance register (rastogi 13 names/39 names)23. stapler small number 1024.25.stapler big hp- 45-24/6suba poker plastic handle26.1 palud ink 10 ml2. correction pen27. carbon packet28. he type alpine packet (zebra 100,8 m)pincushion31.stamp pad small (ashoka)32.stamp pad large (ashoka)33.stamp pad ink34.glue bottle 700 ml (camille)35.glue b
Sector: Accounts and Treasury