Details: answer books for term end examinations in theory papers: specifications:(i) cover page:• paper thickness 105 gsm white maphlitho paper of hindustan paper corporation (hpc) mills/other govt. paper mills or non govt. bis certified paper mills- shreyans/orient/andhra/ star paper mill(s) only and paper pulp should be pulp of wood/agro based paper mills and the paper should confirm parameter of is code is:1848-2007 including gsm, brightness and tolerance limit.• color of printing as per directions (single color)• bar code: laser printed 4 nos.• serial number (alpha-numeric pattern) of the answer book only on the tear-able sheet which is to be marked pressed for tearing off.• a non tear-able slip of size 220x100 mm as per sample on the same paper as used for cover page. • instruction to be printed on back of non tear-able portion of cover page.• back cover: un-ruled quality as per inner page.(ii) inner pages:• qty.: 20 sheets (40 pages) of 60 gsm white creamwove paper of manufact
Sector: Science University