Details: Technical specification and illustrative costing of Early Childhood Development Screening kit for HBYC visits by ASHAName of Item Specifications Purpose and Uses Quantities Illustration1 Red Bangleattached withstringSize -Diameter 2-3” and6mm wide.Red ring (bangle) tied with a string ofthread is dangled at a distance of 30cmfrom the level of the eyes of the baby to-- Test the visual fixation or eye contactand may also assess squint at 2 monthsof age.- Track eye movement by 4 months ofage- Test Hand- eye coordinationMaterial - Wood withvegetable dye- non toxiccolor.20592 RattleOrHand-Bell(Simplehousehold bell)Size - 5-7-inch sizeMaterial for Rattle- –Wood with vegetabledye- non toxic color.Material for Bell – BrassTo be used to test response to source ofsound in young infant (Observe behavioralresponses of hearing as the head turnstowards the sound of bell/rattle).Rattle or Bell to be held at a distance of atleast 30cm away from ear and out of sightof baby to note the response of child
Sector: Medical and Health