Details: karbonn chorus multicopy 210x330m.m.100sheet packing per packet2. teg superior 8 inch 100 pcs per packet 3. lace superior 9/24 nos. 100 pcs per packet4.stamp pad ashoka kings 110 x 70 mm stamp pad ashoka 160 x 97 mm 5.6.stamp pad ink ashoka 30 ml per piece7. alpine zebra 100g per packet envelope 9x4 superior 56g. s. m8.9.envelopes 11 x 5 superior 56 gsm10. envelope 18 x12 with cloth superior 56 gsm11. postal book 240 pages 56 gsm laser paper12. suva super quality (wood handle large size) per piece13. gum camel 300 ml per piece14. white paper 17 x 27 kmvo paper h.p.c. 70 gs m. millpacking 10.4 kg 500 sheets per state rim f. s. tnpl 75 gsm500 sheet | 21.5 x 334.5 cm. spectra company per rim16. photo state rim a-4. tnpl 75 gsm500 sheet17. 18.| 21.5 x 334.5 spectra company sammy. per rimsketch pen camel per packet white board marker camel per
Sector: Police and Internal Security