Details: b. 1 collection of wastes from house holds. 12 1420.00 2 collection of waste fro house hokds.segretalion of wastes collected from hh in degradable and non- degradable form in same day, dumping of the waste to the compost pits and composting up to 2 km lead by jhand trolly/rikshaw on same day including loading, unloading at storage point complet in all respect and other activities for cleaning of defined area like street/lanes,sweeping/drain cleaning etc. complete in all respects for cleanliness. 12 204.14 3provide tractor tarolly per day 2. a bprovide jcb per day /heun 12 2. acleaning the sewers/sewer from the laborers, collecting the seized debris in one place so that it can be put away from the tractor trolley labur 12 2.
Sector: RDPR