Details: "to perform o.c. and s.c. teston a 1-phase transformer andto determine the parametersof its equivalent circuit itsvoltage regulation determine the efficiencyand voltage regulation of asingle-phase transformer bydirect loading.""to perform sumpner’s test ontwo identical 1-phasetransformers and find theirefficiency & parameters of theequivalent circuit""to perform the heat run teston a delta/delta connected 3-phase transformer anddetermine the parameters forits equivalent circuit.""to perform the paralleloperation of the transformerto obtain data to study theload sharing.""separation of no load losses insingle phase transformer""to study conversion of threephasesupply to two-phasesupply using scott connection""speed control of dc shuntmotor by field current controlmethod & plot curve forspeed versus field current.speed control of dc shuntmotor by armature voltagecontrol method & plot curvefor speed versus armaturevoltage.""to determine the efficiency atfull load of a dc
Sector: Science University