Details: fishing in 'c' and 'd' category reservoirs located in the enclosure of jamavaramgarh. and for the fiscal year 2020-21, sealed tenders are invited. detailed terms and conditions of the panchayat samiti office and departmental website can be seen on reservoir name reserved amount hel 1 bhanpurkala 40000/2 ramyavala 40000 / virasana 20000 / amanata amount. bid fee bid received bid opening amount last date date 4000/200 / 10-09-2020 10-09-2020 till 2.00 pm 3.00pm till 4000/200 / 10-09-2020 10-09-2020 2.00 pm till 3.00 4000/200 / 10-09-2020 till pm 10-09-2020 2.00 pm till 3.00 pm 3500/200 / 10-09-2020 10-09-2020 2.00 3.00 pm till 3000/200 / 10-09-2020 10 -09-2020 2.00 pm tama till 1.00pm 3000 200 / 10-09-2020 10-00-2020 2.00pitite 200 / 10-119-2020 2.00 pm nindhi 35000/4 pm are 30000/5 ramgopalpura (neemala) bhairu sagar yacht chile 30000/30000 / development officer chait committee jamwara
Sector: RDPR