Details: dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retainingwalls, cc road and other structure comprising of masonry, cementconcrete, wood work, steel work, including t&p and scaffoldingwherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal ofunserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with alllifts and lead of 50 metres as directed by engineer cement concrete grade m-15 and above and pcc blocks carriage of material transport including unloading and stacking :: earth lead upto 1km construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pit with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required and compacting by vibratory roller 8-10 tonne to meet requirement of table 300-2 including cost of compensation for earth taken from private land complete as per mort&h specification clause 305. (lead taken upto 5 km) providing, laying, spreading and compacting of granular sub-base by providing close graded material (table
Sector: RDPR