Details: jungle clearance by scaping of grass and shrubs dag belling 5 cm to 7.50 cm deep benching base and depositing the excavated material including dressing etc. complete within initial lead up to 50 mt and lift up to 1.5 m जे.सी.बी. मशीन/ट्रेक्टर मय स्क्रेपर द्वारा मिटटी खुदाई कार्य, खोदी हुई मिटटी के डगलों को तोडने (breaking of clods), घास एवं कंकर, पत्थर को अलग करना (sorting of grass & pebbles) एवं बण्ड (bund) का सेक्शन (काट क्षेत्रफल में)/प्रोफाइल संधारित करना मय चढाना एवं उतारना प्रारंभिक लीड 250 मी. एवं लिफ्ट 3 मी. तक। draft based on chapter 5th of irrigation page number 32 to 34 (दिनाँक 01/02/2017 से मान्य) ईकाई 1 घन मी. मशीनरी कार्य सख्त मिट्टी (in hard soil) compaction of earth or highly weathered strata by manually or plain roller. (density 90% proctor) watering of earth including cost of carriage of water when source of water is up to 1km excavation including loading, unloading, disposal and dressing of excavatedearth within initial lead of 50m and lift up to 1.5m inclu
Sector: Irrigation