Details: part-(a) - construction of s/s buchawas rohi taranagar & 33 kv 12.45 km s/c line for proposed 33/11 kv s/s at buchawas rohi taranagar on labour rate basis(2022)part-(b) - of 11.05 kms. 11 kv line inter connection from proposed 33/11 kv s/s buchawas rohi taranagar s/d taranagar (o&m) under churu circle on labour rate basis(2022) as per sheet no. 2 note-1.unit rates are exclusive of gst and shall be paid extra if applicable. note-2.the work should be carried out as per specification and standard measurement of jodhpur discom. note-3.overall rate quoted by bidder will also be applicable on every individual item as described in the attached sheets of boq.
Sector: Distribution