Description: ward no 30 me Dudha ji gurjar ke makan se Mahaveer ji yadav ke makan tak CC sadak nirman karya Name of Work 30
Details: Earth work in excavation in foundation, trenches etc. including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, including getting out the excavated material, refilling after laying pipe/ foundation and disposal of surplus excavated material at a lead upto 50m suitable site as per direction of Engineer for following depths, below natural ground / Road top level.In all types soils/ saturated soil such as moorum, sand, sandy silt, clay, black cotton soil, kankar, etc.Depth upto 1.5 m Carriage of Materials by mechanical transport including loading, unloading and stacking ::Earth 2 Km. Providing and laying lean cement concrete 1:4:8 in Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ , optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, c
Sector: RDPR