Description: Sewerage work in Pokaran Dist Jaisalmer Name of Work Providing laying jointing testing and commissioning of Sewerage System and all ancillary works along with Design construction supply installation testing and commissioning Civil Mechanical electrical instrumentation other necessary works of Sewage Pumping Station MPS if any Sewage Treatment Plant based on MBBR Process with provision for treated waste water reuse including 1 year defect liability and thereafter 10 years O M for town a Pokaran 3 MLD STP and sewerage network
Details: Name of Work: Providing, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of Sewerage System and all ancillary works along with Design, construction, supply, installation, testing and commissioning (Civil, Mechanical, electrical, instrumentation & other necessary works) of Sewage Pumping Station/MPS (if any), Sewage Treatment Plant based on MBBR Process with provision for treated waste water reuse including 1 year defect liability and thereafter 10 years O&M for town.a) Pokaran = 3 MLD STP and sewerage network Designing (hydraulic, process, structural and aesthetic), providing, construction, hydraulic testing, commissioning and giving satisfactorily trial run of STP consisting of Inlet Chamber, Screen chamber, Grit Separator, MBBR (Based on technologies providing attached growth on plastic media kept suspended in the sewage due to low density of plastic & provided with diffused air for aeration with tank Secondary Clarifier, Sludge collection sump. Gravity Sludge Thickener, Chlorine Contact
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage