Details: ame of site-regeneration of safety zone buchara (modi levigated kaoling survey of area, demarcation and lay out bsr/item no unit qty. rate amount (in rupees) ccf jaipur/2.1.1 hectare 2.91 145.01 421.98 2 design & layout dividing the area in sub-plots and their semi permanent demarcation in field and preparation of map ccf jaipur/2.1.2 hectare 2.91 234.25 681.67 3 lay out of excavation of pits ccf jaipur/4.1 pits 1455 0.98 1425.90 4 digging of pits of size [0.50+0.40]/2x0.45m hard soil having more than 50% boulders ccf jaipur/4.2.7 pits 1455 27.05 39357.75 ccf jaipur/ per cubic meter 2222.54 397.38 883192.95 5 (outer fencing) fencing stone wall fencing: random rubble loose stone fencing of size 0.8 m at base, 0.60 m at top and 1.20 m high (rates are for volume including voids) if lead is less than 200 m (2645.882 rmt) 6 (inner fencing) 3 stand barbed wire fencing with 1.5 m high, 50x50x6 at 5 m distance (2525.892 rmt) 7 purchase of tall plant 3 feet
Sector: Police and Internal Security