Details: beaker 50ml test tube test tube holder gas/electric burner petri dish stirrer red litmus paper hydrochloride acid sulphuric acid iodine solution absolute alcohol microscope (binocular with eyepiece) dissecting microscope magnification lens with light digital weighing scale digital weighing scale tlc kit hot air oven (amazon) muffle furnace (amazon) digital ph meter (amazon) ostwald viscometer (amazon) pycnometer or specific gravity bottle soxhlet’s extraction apparatus bunsen burner electric or gas burner dropper needle sharp razor blades pipe clay triangles test tube holder test tube stands reagent bottles test tube thc plates(20x20) evaporating dish beakers conical flasks chemical - safranin chemical - glycerine dragendorffs reagent millions reagent wagner's reagent benediet's solution fehling's solution iodine solution distilled water sulphurie acid chloroform phloroglucinol ferric chloride toluene blotting & filter paper microscopeslide cover slip microscope glass slide dry h
Sector: Medical and Health