Details: laying and jointing pvc pipe. heading lmd fuekz.k lkexzh vkiwfrza 'kwu; dkvus ds ckna lmd ds fuf'pr dsecj rfkk xzsm esa xzsoy dadj dosjh jfcl ,oa dklz ,sxzhdsv 15 lsuvhehvj¼chuk dqvh½ de eksvkbz easa fcnkuk o qsykuk 8&10 vu ds hkkj ds jksyj ls nckuk]d`vuk]rfkk lelr yhm ds lkfk ikuh [kpz e'kujh fdjk;k lfgr lmd dh uho ds fy, lhesuv dadjhv fcnkuk o uhmy o deiu e'khu dks pykuk 1:3:6 में 40 ,e,e irfkj dh fxvvh ds lfkku ij gkfk ls vwvh jksmh ds mi;ksx djus ij lhesuv dadhv lmd dh mij dh lrg ij dvksym dadzhv feykuk] mkyuk rfkk fufmy rfkk lrgh deiu e'khu ¼okbzcszvj½ pykuk rfkk u f[kldus okyh lrg ds fy;s pkgs x, xzsm dsecj rfkk lqij ,fyos'ku esa rs;kj djuk cutting of construction joint/ longitudinal joint 4 to 6 mm wide & 75 to 100mm deep using machanical concrete cutter including cost of diamond bit cutting wheel and filling of bitumin sealing compound in groove including cost of sealing compound. pwd 2022 item no. 11.32.3 खुदी हुई मिट्टी/रेत को नीव में तथा कुर्सी में 50 मीटर तक दूर
Sector: RDPR